Pure-Shidavere Guild Alliance

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Pure/Shidavere - Warhammer Online Order Guild Alliance on the Darklands server. (http://pure-shidavere.info)

3 posters

    Talaenar not RIP


    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2009-02-12
    Location : Australia

    Talaenar not RIP Empty Talaenar not RIP

    Post  Natalea Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:03 pm

    For those who care...a couple of guys are still playing WAR and keeping Talaenar active, the guild rank is half way through 35.

    I really need to get into the PVP in Aion..although the flying during combat or whatever is worrying me a little.

    Winning scenarios day after day were getting a little boring...but I am missing being in my comfort zone I think.

    Posts : 32
    Join date : 2009-07-03
    Age : 44
    Location : Nouméa

    Talaenar not RIP Empty Re: Talaenar not RIP

    Post  Pterra Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:28 am

    Natalea wrote:For those who care...a couple of guys are still playing WAR and keeping Talaenar active, the guild rank is half way through 35.

    I really need to get into the PVP in Aion..although the flying during combat or whatever is worrying me a little.

    Winning scenarios day after day were getting a little boring...but I am missing being in my comfort zone I think.

    flying combat are really fun for range dps, and really crap for melee dps

    Depends how you play your cleric, but for what i've seen, clerics are doing pretty well in pvp cause they can't die

    I really don't like the pvp like it is in the abyss (melee dps insie)
    - range dps fly away and cast me while i can't catch them cause i'm root/snare/mezz, and when i finally catch up, i'm dead
    - healer fly away and heal themself until i abandonne

    It's only good to fight melee dps pig

    Posts : 18
    Join date : 2009-06-29
    Age : 43

    Talaenar not RIP Empty Re: Talaenar not RIP

    Post  Agihell Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:39 am

    So far i like Aion pvp more than WAR pvp, it seems closer to my gameplay style and reminds me of the good old daoc times. I didn't really like the system where you only had certain areas to pvp and catching people unaware is a lot of fun, as is grinding mobs while keeping an eye out for gankers.
    Also WAR is easy mode and got boring pretty fast for me.

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