Pure-Shidavere Guild Alliance

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Pure/Shidavere - Warhammer Online Order Guild Alliance on the Darklands server. (http://pure-shidavere.info)

    Titles - click click click


    Posts : 33
    Join date : 2009-01-15

    Titles - click click click Empty Titles - click click click

    Post  Hephaestos Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:03 pm


    “Ow My Eye”, “The Vain”
    Clicked on your avatar [100 ... 5,000] times. Okay, this one is the easiest. You can easily gain the titles by casual gaming, but here’s the tip how to do it even faster: bind one key to “Target next ally” and one to “Target previous ally”. Select yourself then bash those two hotkeys until you acquire the titles.

    “Self-Centered”, “Egomaniac”, “Narcissist”
    Clicked on your avatar [100 ... 1,000 ... 10,000] times while unarmored. Pretty much the same as the titles above, just take off your clothes. You can do them at the same time.

    “Flirt”, “Tease”, “Vamp”
    Talked to [100 ... 1,000 ... 10,000] citizens while unarmored. Mkay, this naked thing gets a little creepy, especially when it includes running around naked in a town. Just kidding, all you have to do is to find an NPC and clicky clicky click until eternity.

    “The Target”, “The Mark”, “Easy Target”
    Been targeted [100 ... 1,000 ... 10,000] times while unarmored. Just do a few hundred scenarios without armor. And shout things like “omigod wherez my panties!!” just for fun. And hopefully, people will target you more often.

    “Poser”, “Celebrity”, “The Emperor”
    Been targeted, outside of combat, [100 ... 1,000 ... 10,000] times while unarmored. Now this is much harder. Either travel to a crowded place, set a fancy title (like “Flirt”) and go AFK or ask a friend to target you by using the same method as the one mentioned at “Ow My Eye”. The latter will be helpful at the following titles too:

    “The Ogler”, “The Watcher”, “The Voyeur”
    Targeted an unarmored player [100 ... 1,000 ... 10,000] times. So ask your friend to strip his / her clothes too so you can target each other as many times as you want to. If you don’t have anyone to do this with, try to look for others doing these naked titles.

    “The Talker”, “The Blabbing”, “The Verbose”
    Used the ‘tell’ command [50 ... 1,000 ... 1,000,000] times. The last one’s requirement is quite insane, but you can try anyway.. you will need a friend for this one too. Preferably an AFK one, so he / she won’t care if you flood his chat. Type “/tell whoever a” and hit Enter. Yay, just another 999,999 to go! Press Shift+Up and hit Enter. Rinse and repeat. I have not actually tried this yet, so I don’t know if there’s a flood filter or whatever else. Please post results if you have any.

    “The Friendly”, “The Amiable”, “The Socialite”
    Added [5 ... 40 ... 100] characters to your Friends list. It is recommended to start with an empty Friends list or memorize your current ones. Go to a crowded place and start adding every person you see to your friendlist. Remove them after you get the title.

    “The Snob”, “The Reclusive”, “The Exiler”
    Added 5 characters to your Ignore list. Basically the same as the one above, only with your Ignore list.

    “The Impatient”, “The Philatelist”, “Postal”, “Chaos Stamp Licker”
    Opened the mailbox [50 ... 500 ... 5,000 ... 50,000] times. Another crazy title. You have to open, then close your mailbox to have it counted. Unfortunately, mailbox has a little ‘lag’ so it takes a few seconds to open. It takes a hell lot of time, so it’s best to do while watching TV or something like that.

    “The Present”, “The Supporter”, “The Prolific”, “The Omnipresent”
    Signed up for [5 ... 50 ... 500 ... 5,000] guild calendar events. Since I don’t have a guild at the moment I don’t know much about these titles. But you should try signing up, cancelling the signup and repeat.

    “The Conscript”, “The Trooper”, “The Pack Hunter”
    Joined [10 ... 100 ... 1,000] groups. Another bunch of titles where the help of a friend is advised unless you want to purposely annoy others. Ask your friend to set his/her status to ‘Interested in forming Open Party’ or something along the lines. Then type “/join YourFriendsName” , hit Enter, type “/leave”, hit Enter. From then, repeat Shift+Up, Shift+Up, Enter, Enter.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 28, 2024 2:13 pm