Pure-Shidavere Guild Alliance

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Pure/Shidavere - Warhammer Online Order Guild Alliance on the Darklands server. (http://pure-shidavere.info)

2 posters

    Greetings from Eclipse :)


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-04-28

    Greetings from Eclipse :) Empty Greetings from Eclipse :)

    Post  Armenger Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:42 am

    Hello Pure & Shidavere!

    I'd like to thank you guys and the rest of the Legion Alliance in welcoming us into the Legion Alliance!

    Just a small bit of background information, Eclipse initially formed on Marius as a Destro Guild who then rerolled on Lucan as an Order guild. We then migrated with everyone else to Darklands and soon found ourselves in an alliance with Omega (and later Ark of Stars).

    After some soul searching and trying to make things work, about three weeks ago both guilds decided to part ways. We had a different direction than Omega as we were focusing more on the extreme side of RVR and they wanted to maintain a casual friendly atmosphere and...here we are! Both guilds parted willingly and with blessings of luck and good journeys and after a few weeks of trying to sort our camp out we approached Painforge about joining.

    I'm glad to see alot of familiar faces, particularly friendly faces I've found in the form of Purehart, Vexxi, Duegar and Wanli who I formed a bond with in Tier 3 (I miss it already boohoo lol).

    Anyways I'm stepping in for Grudge at the moment while he works through a month of neglected job-related content but you will hear from him soon!

    Seeya in the battlefield!

    Armengar (also known as Elvardein/Elvendar) - btw, I just noticed I spelt my username wrong QQ Smile

    Posts : 30
    Join date : 2009-02-12
    Location : Australia

    Greetings from Eclipse :) Empty Re: Greetings from Eclipse :)

    Post  Natalea Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:16 pm

    Hi There,

    Welcome to the alliance. Good to have you onboard.

    You may be aware that Shidavere has unfortunately all but folded. Although a relatively large guild, it was held together by 10 or so core players. Unfortunately most of these guys have decided to move on...and naturally the guild has become inactive, those that are still in game have moved onto other guilds. That being said though, we are still very close to those people that are still playing and we are happy to pick up any players that would like to shift over to Pure.

    Pure was in the same boat not so long ago, whereby a bunch of our core level 40s stopped playing. However, things have picked up in the last month or so, recruiting some great people and things are going very well in all tiers.

    I would like to think that with a little bit of encouragement, we can increase the activity on the forums here...like it was before and use it to our advantage.

    I have personally known a few Eclipse guys for a fair while now - when I was levelling my main...and it's awesome we have come across each other more recently playing alts in T3. Some of you guys have jumped in our vent (another tool I would like to encourage as it's always a bit of fun and seems to help things run a little smoother) and I just wanted you to know you are always welcome on here and in vent.

    See you out there!


      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 5:26 am