Pure-Shidavere Guild Alliance

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Pure/Shidavere - Warhammer Online Order Guild Alliance on the Darklands server. (http://pure-shidavere.info)

3 posters

    Taishar's simple guide to orvr


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    Taishar's simple guide to orvr Empty Taishar's simple guide to orvr

    Post  Taishar Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:58 am

    Orvr is unique, crazy and hectic. It can be hard to keep track of where you should be and where the group is headed. However there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure you are not left behind and picked off.

    The most important thing to keep an eye on when rolling through Orvr zones is sticking together. United we stand, Divided we fall. Having rolled out in many Orvr pug groups without vent comms, I found the easiest way to ensure this goal was to pick a target and stick to them. Our warbands upon creation now will be assigned a single leader. This leader is in charge of strategy and movement. Keep this leader as your defensive target and stick to him/her where ever he/she goes to ensure that you stay with the group.

    There are a few other important points to make when talking about your warband leader. You must remember that he/she (whoever it may be) is in charge of what the warband is doing. This is to ensure that we all have a common goal and stick together. Never (maybe i'll emphasize this, NEVER) question your leaders decisions.

    Even if you think he/she is making the wrong choice it is important to follow what he/she says in order to retain the cohesiveness of the group. Peoples opinions are always respected, but the heat of battle is not the time to put them forward. Leaders are learning like everyone else and a good leader encourages constructive criticism of their actions. If you disagree with a decision, follow it anyway, wait until the warband has some downtime and then proceed to express your opinion (in a constructive way) to your leader.

    Keeping voice comms clear of erroneous bullshit is also important. The more unnecessary vent chatter the harder it becomes for your leader to quickly and clearly convey the objectives. Leaders will know when BO timers will run out and unless you have been sent out as a scout, you should be with the group anyway and therefore your leader will be seeing what you are seeing. Healers know when you are low on health and i ensure you they are doing everything within their power to keep you up.

    I enjoy a fun shit talking session on vent as much as anyone does. There is a time and place for this however, and in the middle of an orvr lake is not that place.

    Take notice of what group you are in. There will be times when groups will be asked to split in order to maintain control over multiple areas. The best example of this is when taking a keep. Groups will usually be assigned to front door or postern guard duty. Knowing which group number is yours will make it much easier to be aware of where you should be and what your role is. These parties will also be assigned leaders. The party leaders job is to ensure their group is together and where they should be. Knowing your party leader is also helpful to ensure you are in the right spot.

    This being said, when creating a warband for Orvr the first step should be to assign an overall leader and a leader for each individual party. I would like these leadership roles to be rotated, so if anyone is keen to step up, then give me a yell and we will get a warband together at some point for you to lead.

    There concludes my simple guide to Orvr. I will be writing more simple guides in the future. Below are some helpful links to addons for Orvr.

    Objective tracker
    An addon which keeps track of BO timers and when they are open for capture.

    Nobby's Nuts
    An addon which provides a display of all BO's and keeps in a tier and who controls them.

    This addon adds a bar at the top and bottom of you screen to display handy information.

    An addition to the Waaagh Bar which displays the current victory point status for the zone you are in.

    Posts : 28
    Join date : 2009-01-17
    Age : 40
    Location : Japan

    Taishar's simple guide to orvr Empty Re: Taishar's simple guide to orvr

    Post  greenia Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:48 am

    Taishar's simple guide to orvr Fail-1-1

    Posts : 6
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    Taishar's simple guide to orvr Empty Fail

    Post  Vinnig Tue Jan 27, 2009 7:01 am

    You run into a stash of fail posters green? Rolling Eyes

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